

KLOUT PWR- All supplements pictures are from KLOUT PWR. Use code: ZUMBY for 15% off the products.



When it comes to supplementation for working out most people think of protein, pre-workout, creatine, and aminos. These barely scratch the surface of what can be taken but will suffice for most people's goals! All of these supplements can be found naturally in whole foods but for our intense purposes it is convenient to isolate them from the food to increase our consumption of them.

  • PROTEIN- Protein is vital for muscle building. Consuming enough protein will have a direct effect on the amount of muscle you build. There are 3 main sources of protein you can choose from; in combination they can provide even better results.
    • WHEY- Whey protein is derived from milk and is considered a fast absorbing protein. It is recommended to consume this, pre or post workout, to maximize utilizing its fast absorption rate.
    • EGG- Egg based protein, more commonly known as casein, is a slow absorbing protein. Because of this, it's best function is to take before sleep to minimize catabolism of the muscle and maximize recovery.
    • VEGAN- Vegan protein sources consist mainly of blends of pea, bean, and soy powders. It is crucial for vegans to supplement this as their diet constricts their capabilities to consume whole food protein; these foods commonly lack protein density. This protein is recommend for well... guess... Vegans!
  • PROTEIN CONCLUSION- Protein must be take in addition to our next topic to properly take effect and maximize its absorption.

  • AMINO ACIDS- The most commonly known muscle building amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Also referred to as EAA (Essential Amino Acids), your body does not naturally produce these and they must be supplemented to receive them. They are also found in foods such as eggs, meat, and poultry. These aminos coupled with protein, activate protein synthesis, the process needed to repair and grow one's muscles.
    • The Main Three
      • LEUCINE- Leucine is used by skeletal muscle to increase energy doing a workout.
      • ISOLEUCINE- Isoleucine aids the creation of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment inside red blood cells. It also boosts energy and endurance.
      • VALINE- Valine stimulates muscle growth and repair and is involved in energy production as well.
    • Other Amino Acids
      • GLUTAMINE- Glutamine is building block for creating other aminos in the body. Its role is primarily in muscle recovery and is taken in preventative measures for muscles bearing intense volume or weight.
      • TAURINE- Taurine plays an important role in brain and heart function and additionally aids nerve growth.
  • AMINO ACID CONCLUSION- This brief overview does not come close to identifying all the helpful amino acids one can supplement but identifies the main three.

  • CREATINE- Creatine is a highly controversial supplement with many arguments for and against it. Its undeniable purpose is to increase water retention in the muscle and to increase available ATP in the muscle. Increased water saturation allows for increased muscular endurance as well as visually increasing the volume of the muscle. The benefit of increased ATP availability allows for quick energy release generating explosive power in the muscle's contraction. This benefit increases strength and is a large part of why people choose to supplement it.

  • PRE-WORKOUT- Pre-workout is taken before your exercise and contains a plethora of possible ingredients, all aimed to increase the quality of your workout. They are broken down into two main categories: stimulant and pump.
    • STIM- Stimulate based pre-workouts increase energy using mainly caffeine, caffeine enhancers, and DMAAs.
    • PUMP- Pump pre-workouts are stimulant free and contain only ingredients meant to increase blood flow to your muscles.


These are the bare bone basic supplements one can choose from. The world of supplementation is incredibly complex and these barely scratch the surface of what you can take. Hopefully you learned more about what you take and why you take it. If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to us on Instagram.

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