Efficient Strength Training

Efficient Strength Training

Efficient Strength Training 

Many people have questions about how strength can be trained properly and attained efficiently. There are many different programs and theories on how strength can be enhanced and maximized for best results but I will go over the top 3 in my opinion and tell you all of my personal pros and cons. Before I go over programs I will say this; you have to progressively overload to build any sort of strength. 

Progressive overloading

Progressive overload is quite simple although it may seem more complicated than it really is. All that progressive overload means is to increase weight or repetitions each session, slowly increasing so that it does not put an excessive load on your muscles and central nervous system (CNS). Your body adapts better to this style of training for strength because you are slowly moving up rather than rushing into bigger numbers and causing potential injury. While this takes time and exercises your patience it is the best way to gain strength and push for PRs. Progressive overloading is not a program or method of training, it is simply the most efficient way to gain strength training whether it be for powerlifting or to simply increase your strength

5x5 split

       The 5x5 split is doing 5 sets of 5 reps every time you do the exercises you want to get stronger in. The only way to progressive overload in this is with weight added on to the load. It will only be effective if you can successfully do 5 reps every set and also increase weight little by little every time you do the exercises. While this is not my personally preferred style of strength training it can be effective if you have the discipline and know your body enough to make sure every set and rep is perfect. The 5x5 split is extremely common and gives a lot of people amazing gains and results. If you are looking to try this style of programming here is a rough format of how it should look. 


 This is a 4 week cycle program created by renowned powerlifter Jim Wendler. Rather than using a set weight this program you use percentages of your 1 rep max and you have to calculate it every day. The stages of this program are as follows. 

  • Week 1. Week one is a 5x5 on lifts you want to grow your strength in and it is the same style as the 5x5 listed above. 

  • Week 2. The second week is 3x3 (three sets of three reps)  is heavier weight since you are doing less reps of your strength movements and gives you a chance to up the weight 

  • Week 3. For week three, you do one set of five reps, another set the last set is  , another set of 3 reps, and your last set is 1 rep.

  • Week 4. For the last week it is a deload (aka a break), and the key is to lower the weight to perfect form and give your muscles a chance to fully recover. You do a 5x3 (5 sets of 3 reps) all week and Lower the weight Every day.  

 This program allows for the most science to be used and makes sure you are constantly growing closer to your goals. 


A daily undulating periodization (DUP) program is my personal favorite and has led me to make a significant amount of results for my personal journey through my years of strength training. This program has you do 1 main lift a week to focus on and the others are cycled week by week. Daily undulating periodization is a very simple yet complex program for anyone from beginner to advanced lifters. All DUP means is each day you do your lifts you use a different rep range than the last. This allows for you to be used to switching up volume and allows you to constantly confuse your muscles. This example is only for the DUP days and the days in between you are training as a typical PPL split. 


  • Day 1 5x5 (five sets of five reps)
  • Day 3 4x8  (4 sets of 8 reps)
  • Day 5 6x3 (6 sets of 3 reps)

All programs have positives and negatives however many different people will tell you different things about strength training. DUP has given me the most amount of results and allows way more flexibility than any other has for me. As always If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to us on Instagram @gymzen.co

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